Being a vegetarian is working nicely.
I haven't touched McDonald's in what seems like forever!
I'm more apt to cook, and try new vegetables.
I'm getting the boyfriend to eat better with me.
Overall, I'm being a lot healthier.
Now I just need to get back into the exercise routine.
Doc says he thinks I have exercise induced asthma, so he gave me a prescription for Singulair and an inhaler to use before I work out. Tried it the other night before doing some yoga, and I was able to breath a lot easier.
Walking, biking, running, Wii Fit - here I come.
Bonnaroo is quickly approaching and I haven't gotten very far. Only a solid 4 lbs from my original weight (that's counting from the high point of my weight fluctuations). About 8 weeks, 21 lbs to go. If I got halfway there I'd be proud, and I need to hit the stores and buy some new clothes.
That's the update for now.