Monday, July 5, 2010

Was Dave a Little Weird for Anyone Else?

Dave Matthews Band is one of my favorite bands of all time, and when I remember seeing him before, I remember it being epic - so of course I looked forward to them closing out this year's festival.

"Shake Me Like a Monkey" was a highlight for me, even though it's off the new album. It was a little disappointing they didn't play more of the stuff everyone knows. Personally, amongst a crowd like Bonnaroo where maybe everyone isn't a huge DMB fan that's on top of everything the band's done lately, I would have thought they would have made the show more accessible.

David and Justin didn't like it, I could tell, and I think that affected my opinion of the show. I tried to be off in my own little world as I danced to the music, but everyone leaving also had me a little distracted.

Also, it kind of seemed like Dave was super high or drunk or something.

How about that -"shake your sexy ass" breakdown he came up with out of no where? That was entertaining.

Anyway, we left right after the show and we were all kind of tired and cranky so that might have had some effect on how I felt about what I'd just seen. I'm curious - what did everyone else think?

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