Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bonnaroo has returned to my dreams

I haven't written about the 'roo in awhile, as you can see, but a quick trip back to Inforoo yesterday, the first or second since all the Neil Young rumors way back when, lit a spark under my butt. With 64 days and 22 hours to go until the big event, I am, once again, pumped as all hell.

Something must have stuck because I dreamt about the farm last night. I don't remember what happened in the dream but I remember a few details.

1. It wasn't the farm as I remembered it. My boyfriend set up our tent to the left of What Stage (I'm talking really close to What Stage) and my only concern was whether I would be able to sleep at all because of the music being so loud there (why was that a concern? I'm not totally sure.)

2. My married friends (a couple), who would never go to Bonnaroo in the first place, brought a tent the size of the Which Stage, and my roommate forgot to bring a tent altogether. We decided she would sleep under the canopy.

3. There was a lake on the farm, which I decided to dive into, only when I hit the water it wasn't so much water as it was a giant mud puddle and I came up looking like that guy who thought he was a raptor from the '09 fest, thinking "oh great, now I get to feel like this for four days."

Oh the joys of the farm...

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