Thursday, February 12, 2009

How to avoid sitting on the portos

I've been spending a lot of time on Inforoo. One day, I posted a thread asking how girls deal with the portos. It is one of my fears, after all, and I'll be working these next few months to get over it.

Days later, the thread has 49 posts to it and quite a conversation has started up. People are recommending wet wipes and disinfectant, all stuff I could have guessed, but others have recommended a variety of plastic devices that let girls pee standing up (mostly for camping and outdoorsy type uses). Could these really exist?

Why, yes they can, and they do. In many varieties.

First there's Freshette. It looks like a cup guys wear to protect themselves while playing sports, but it has a little hose off of it. I think you can imagine what that's all about.

There's the GoGirl female urination device
(Watch the intro video, you won't be disappointed.)

But the most highly recommended one I'm finding is a device called Pstyle. You can even get them in several designer colors.

I won't lie to you, I'm fascinated.

At least, I figure, there are options ;) Anyway you slice it, I'll definitely be ready come 'roo.

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