Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2010 Initial Lineup... a bit of a letdown

I. am. Kinda Pissed. I took half a personal day for this??

I should say, for the record, that I didn't mind the lineup coming out one band every five minutes, because it allowed me to check out each and read/talk about them as they were announced. But that was when I thought we were building up to something big. To end 8 wasted hours of my life with a big "Stevie Wonder" is just cruel and unusual. I mean, I could have stayed at work and seen Dave Matthews Band within an hour of my lunch break and I would have been OK.

Would I have been as pissed if this same initial lineup had been released at midnight in poster form? Probably not. I want my time back.

I trusted Consequence of Sound. I thought "expected" meant these big acts - Neil Young, Paul Simon - were pretty much locks. I thought "Floyd-heavy year" wasn't just referring to the Flaming Lips. I see the site updated all their "expected" links to show where the bands themselves confirmed, but Neil is still blank.

I'm not saying there aren't bands I'm looking forward to, because there are, but this lineup lacks some serious oomph. I thought Bonnaroo was supposed to whomp some Coachella butt this year! Wasn't that the talk? This just isn't going to cut it guys.

To make matters worse, two of the 3 people going with me this year are downright disenchanted with the whole thing. I am too, to tell you the truth. I expected my mind to be blown, and what I got was a letdown after last year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jimmy Buffet and Phish didn't announce til late last year - I'm not saying that they will be back (ill be very surprised if that's the case) - however, with that being said some awesome bands can still announce late - keep ur head up, its going to rock no matter what :)