Friday, February 12, 2010

Dave Matthews Band is headlining Bonnaroo

and I love it.

It's no secret that the Dave Matthews Band is my second favorite band of all time (after The Beatles), so it shouldn't be a surprise that I'm ecstatic they are headlining Bonnaroo 2010.

There are a lot of people (including myself) complaining about the lack of a "wow" factor artist playing this year, but what I can say about DMB as a headliner is thank god there will be no one opposing. (I think my heart would break if they played at the same time as the Lips, which I don't think would happen but you never know).

I first was introduced to the Virginia-native band as a young girl (think "Under the Table and Dreaming") whose best friend's older sister was a dedicated Dave fan. In high school, the guy I dated worshipped Dave and allowed me to purchase the albums only if I did so in the order that they originally came out. I'm not sure if it was an impression set upon me or if I would have fallen in love with the band eventually on my own, but my interest just stuck.

I got through "Everyday" just as "Busted Stuff" was being released, and I loved every album through that one. It was then that I saw DMB live at what used to be Riverport Ampitheater (now Verizon Wireless), an experience I'd never forget.

After that, though, things dropped off a bit. I got really into Dave Matthew's solo release, "Some Devil," but I just couldn't bring myself to listen to "Stand Up." It reminded me of "Everyday" and "Before These Crowded Streets" mixed and muted, but it didn't strike a chord with me. I fell off and became a bad fan.

Luckily, DMB has renewed itself and my interest in them with their latest release, the Grammy-nominated "Big Whiskey and the Groo Grux King," and I couldn't be more excited to see them at 'roo.

You know what they say, you may have seen the band live, but you've never "seen" the band until they've played at Bonnaroo. And seeing that this band has roots at the Tennessee fest, I can't wait for what's in store.

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