Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Feb. 2 was supposed to be a good day

So, it's 8:41 a.m. Feb. 2 and still no Bonnaroo lineup.

People have been saying it's been delayed - all the usual legit sources (people on Inforoo and CoS who have sources, I have no sources) - but I was hoping against hope that it would still drop. I guess until today's over there's no sense in giving up completely, but I have pretty much been grounded for the time being.

The good news is, Oscar nominees and the Lost Season 5 premier are still on. So boo-yah.

(If it doesn't come out today, here's hopin' for Feb. 9. I have seen rumors, nothing set in stone, but I'm hoping those rumors come true because if I have to wait longer than another friggin' week...)

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